To intra-act
Waves of Sound
The artifacts selected for this movement tell stories of intra-action: moving and being with, within, and as part of – and different from the interaction of separate entities – in an entangled ontology of “re-working and being reworked by patterns of mattering” (Barad, 2014, p.20). They speak of mixing, mingling, crossing over of perspectives and experiences to create different and situated knowings.
Artifact #1
Essay: Righting Wrongs: Addressing the Legacy of Colonialism in Early Childhood Education
(ECED 420 – History of Early Childhood Education)
This essay describes the many moving entanglements of colonial influence on early childhood education, and the intra-action of patterns through past, present and future that have and continue to create a particular situated legacy in educational systems and structures. The essay first explores our troubled history in colonial Canada, and then defines specific strategies that I believe are necessary to reconcile historic wrongs and make space for Indigenous pedagogies in ECE.
Artifact #2
Blog post: Module #9 Teacher as leader (ECED 585F – Leadership and Policy in Early Childhood Education)
This artifact explores the overlapping and entangled roles of teacher and leader. In this contribution to course discussions about leadership in early childhood education, I found inspiration in the cited readings and videos toward a re-imagining of the ECE as collaborator, meaning-maker, ethical questioner, creative and critical thinker.
Artifact #3
Research Review - Media Presentation: The Brothers and Sisters Learn to Write – Anne Haas Dyson, 2002. Group project completed in collaboration with Nick Chignall and Lauren Murphy - (LLED 556: Theory and Research in Early Literacy)
This artifact is a media presentation sharing our group’s learning after reading and reviewing Dyson’s (2002) ethnographic study of children learning to write in a racially diverse American classroom. Our review described the children’s ways of overlapping, mixing, re-mixing and re-contextualizing cultural materials as they created new ideas and expressions in and out of the classroom. I enjoyed mixing and re-mixing ideas with Nick and Lauren on this project, and I am grateful to share our work with their permission.